Saturday, December 6, 2014

5 year Well Child Visit

Reagan had her 5 year check-up yesterday and I am so happy to report all is well!

There was much hesitation with this visit as she knew she was getting shots.  But we got through them with a few tears and then she quickly recovered.  I'm sure the pink band aids and plethora of Frozen stickers from the nurse aided in her recovery.

The Dr. said her ears and throat looked perfect. She finally hit the 40 lb mark and is in the 52nd percentile for weight and is 42 and 1/4 in. tall and is in the 40th percentile for height.

As per the routine, she had many stories to tell the Dr. and he was definitely amused- she passed all the milestones on the checklist so we are right on track developmentally.

The Dr. informed her no more shots until she's eleven (to which Rea asked, 'How long until I'm 11?' A long time!) so that was great news.  When I think back to how sick she was in August, I'm so grateful she has recovered and feels great.  A true blessing to get such a good check-up!

Of course we had to celebrate with a special treat- Orange Leaf!

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