Saturday, December 27, 2014


Reagan has been asking me for some time to go ice skating. Not being the coordinated type, I was balking at the thought of putting on ice skates and trying to maneuver the ice while holding onto her... Then Nette came to the rescue and said she would love to take Rea ice skating! 

Reagan was pretty hesitant at first... after about 10 minutes she declared, "I love ice skating mommy!" Success!  She ended up skating for 30 minutes and did really great holding on to the railing and even branching out in free skate with Nette. A fun time for sure! And who knows, maybe next time I'll even try the skates!

Since the forecast called for chilly temps, we decided to schedule Reagan's first (full blown) pedicure afterwards to warm us up.  She thought it was so fun and giggled through the whole thing.... she had a gift certificate to use from her birthday.  A special treat!

They said Reagan did such a great job that they did her fingernails for free. Rea was ecstatic!

Such a fun girls day!

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

i totally get not skating -- especially holding onto R's hand and balance! she's brave for trying. i think the pedi idea was great ... this weather calls for some warm foot care : )