Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Every year, my company creates an 'Angel Tree' during the holidays. A Christmas tree is decorated with Angels that contain gift ideas for the Des Moines Boys Home, a group that takes in and caters to teen boys that have been exposed to horrific living conditions. They shelter and school the boys until they are 18 years of age. It's a great charity that I'm happy we can be a part of.

The heartbreaking part of the Angel tree are the gift suggestions from the boys- most ask for warm clothing, hats/gloves, one boy asked for his own 'blanket' and this year, the Angel I choose- a 12 year old boy asked for the book 'The Audacity of Hope,' by Barack Obama.

Here are teenage boys that have been exposed to years of abuse, poverty, and who knows what else- and instead of video games, electronics or some outlandish gift, they are merely hoping for warm clothes and some words of insight.

Even though it's just one gift, I hope the book will uplift and inspire.

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