Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It's very rare that once I read a book, the movie that comes after is up to par. Well that didn't really happen with the Secret Life of Bees. The movie was so good! Alicia Keys was my favorite character and Dakota Fanning oozes competence.

The underlying theme is a little girl's quest to be loved. I found the scope of the Civil Rights Movement to be a true testament of our times. The movie made me realize that all anyone ever really wants is to feel like they belong and to feel loved. As we look at our society today, I think we need to remember that all anyone wants is to be loved and to share their love... and who are we to deny others that right.

So if you're in the mood for a great read this winter, check out the book at your local library and get ready to shed a tear or two while watching the movie!

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