Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Just when I'm coming to terms with my impending doom (er I mean, job loss), thinking those warm fuzzy thoughts that everything will work out, everything happens for a reason... we get shuffled into a stark-white conference room and informed of the horrors- I mean, joys- of filing for unemployment.

So... I think I got the gist of it after 2 hours of the facilitator shouting at me "UNEMPLOYMENT SHOULD NOT BE YOUR CRUTCH. USE IT AS A LAST RESORT. GO OUT AND GET A JOB NOW BEFORE I GET TO SCREAM AT YOU EVERY DAY WHEN YOU COME TO PICK UP YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT CHECK." Okay- that's not true. If I've learned one thing today, it's that the money is direct deposited.

I need a shoulder massage and glass of wine. Stat.


Nurse Nettie said...

OMG!! THAT is what you had to go to this afternoon? I should've talked you into being "ill" and grabbing a martini with me before I came to the airport! xoxo Hang in there!

Mrs. W said...

Yes! This woman had a bone to pick-too many dislocated worker seminars for her! HA!
Have safe travels!!