Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why is my eye twitching?!

Why is my leg shaking?
Why is my heart racing?

Well kids- it's that time of year. The time of year that I purposefully get an incredible sugar high. It's: 'Conversation Hearts' time of year!
(My boss decided to surprise us with a bowl full of Conversation Hearts and I may or may not have pushed my coworkers out of the way and proceeded to eat the entire bowl. However, I digress....)

For all of you who are just as addicted to the little suckers as I am...rumor has it that these little candies are going to become available for future holidays (not just Valentine's day!). Personally I think they should be made for every single holiday, including my birthday, but who am I to demand such things.

So step away from the computer and step into a sugar high with your own box of deliciousness!
Happy Valentine's day! xo

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