Wednesday, April 21, 2010

25 Weeks and growing...

Yesterday, Reagan was 25 weeks and growing!

This week dates, a cousin sleepover, and what else, but ANOTHER double ear infection! Last weekend Reagan had a play date with her buddies Sage and Elly and then headed to cousin Jack and Evie's for a sleepover! We started noticing the ear pulling and it only got worse. Today her Dr. appt. confirmed it- so this will be her 3rd ear infection before 6 months of age. I hate to think about it but tubes may be in our future. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

So after a bad night last night, baby girl is full of antibiotics, Tylenol and formula! Let's hope the med's work this time. Here are some pics from the week:

We said good-bye to the baby bathtub and hello to the kitchen sink! A little squirmy but it works for now:
A 4-level split house does not make for easy transport of exersaucers. And yes I almost broke my neck carrying Reagan's up and down the stairs. Solution? Wait for a great sale at Wal-Mart and buy a new one for the upper levels/outside deck. Hassle free and only paid $1 for shipping!

"I really really really want to crawl!"

Chillin on daddy's arm:

"Okay mom, enough with the camera."

Oops, I forgot the bib. Drool much?! :)

Loves her reflection!

The beginning of the end... right before ear pain strikes! (note the rosy cheeks, a sign I now know to look for!)
Until next week! xo

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

i hope lil P feels better soon ... you'd never know she had double ear infection with her bright smiles!!! she is so mobile ... she'll love having a 4-level house :)