Friday, April 23, 2010


As I was relaxing in the tub last night, enjoying a rare treat of a hot bath, I looked down at my stomach strewn with stretch marks that would make a road map jealous, and I was willing (no- make that begging and pleading) with my stomach to shrink! Get smaller! And flatter!

I then realized that just a year ago, I was begging and pleading for the opposite! Wanting my belly to grow so that I knew peanut was healthy and getting bigger by the day. Oh the irony...

And it occurred to me that I should cut myself some slack. I am officially down 51.5 lbs since the day I came home from the hospital with baby girl. Two weeks ago I earned my '10% weight loss' key chain from Weight Watchers.

And I am agonizingly 10.5 lbs away from my pre-baby weight. 25 more lbs after that to reach 'Lifetime' status for Weight Watchers. I'm not gonna lie- it's a daily struggle. I only get to the gym if peanut is napping, I still do runs to Vendoland as if eating a Snickers is going to save my life, and I'm still not journaling my daily points.

But I just need to remind myself when I look at Reagan's cute lil toes, baby steps.

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