Monday, December 6, 2010


I've been hearing about this book for awhile, 'The Help.' And let's face it, who has time to read with a toddler?

I thought my free time, time to read, was over. I was number 131 on the library reserve list- months went by and I had forgotten all about the book. And then the email came, saying it was ready for pick up. And despite my crazy schedule, I found the time to begin reading...

You know that famous line in the movie 'As Good As It Gets' when Jack Nicholson looks at Helen Hunt and says, "You make me want to BE a better man."

That is exactly how I felt only one chapter into 'The Help.' At first I thought, "Ms. Stockett makes me want to BE a better writer." The voice of an African-American maid in the 1960's written by a white author is nothing short of genius. I am there. I feel the fear, the oppression and you know what? It not only made me want to strive to be a better writer, but a better person.

If you do not read or don't think you have time to read... this book will be worth the time, those stolen 10 minutes here or 10 minutes there.. and I guarantee 'The Help' will make you want to strive to do better, be better.

And always, always remember the Golden Rule: Treat unto others as you yourself would like to be treated.

And for that, I thank Ms. Stockett.

1 comment:

Chef Stinson Family said...

Sue just gave me this book to read! I was planning to start it this weekend. Now I REALLY can't wait to read it!!