Monday, December 20, 2010

Wallace Family Christmas~2010

On Saturday we got together to celebrate the Wallace family Christmas!

At least this year we didn't have a foot of snow on the ground and Uncle Steve and Aunt Amy were able to come join us. Great G&G Wallace were also able to come and Reagan got some much anticipated cousin time in as well!

It was the perfect day of feasting (who needs a meal when you can eat a jar full of chocolate-covered almonds in one day?!), lots of game playing and Christmas movies on TV. The perfect way to spend the holidays!

Family shot~

G&G W.~

Cousin time!

"Check out my new blocks Evie."

New walker toy? Nope, new 'knee-it' toy. :)

"Watcha got Daddy?"

"Dora PJ's! My favorite!"

"I can do it."

"Just what I've always wanted!"

"Whew! Opening presents is tiring. I'm ready for a nap!"

Thanks to all for the gifts, the love and the laughter! xo

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