Friday, April 27, 2012

It happened right before my very eyes.

For real.

No denying it.

Reagan turned 2 and a 1/2.  Six more months and she'll be 3?! How did that happen?!

I've been preparing myself for this moment- when babyhood turns into full blown toddler hood. But one can never fully prepare, can they?

The other night, Rea asked to 'sit in a big person chair' followed with a 'please mommy?'  How could I say no?  So away went the booster seat and she's been flying solo ever since.  See below.  She is looking mighty grown-up isn't she?

I keep meaning to log funny stories and crazy toddler quotes and those witty little comments she likes to throw out to see if it'll get a laugh from us... but there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day!

Funny stories:
Rea eating green beans at dinner.  She popped out the smaller bean inside the green bean and exclaimed, "That little bean was trapped! And I freed it!"

Heading to the mall, she realized we weren't heading home.. "Mommy," she asks, "Where are we going?"  "To the mall," I say, "mommy needs to return some clothes."  "But mommy," Rea exclaims perplexed, "then you'll be naked!"  *insert toddler giggles here because she said the word naked*

Not so funny stories:
Rea being disciplined for something.  She states, "It's not your business. I'm the boss."  Oooohhh.. really. Do I really have to break out the "while you live under my roof" song and dance when she's only 2?!  :)

Rea loves reading, books, any type of jewelry/playing dress up, putting on lipstick (chapstick), nightgown's instead of PJ's, fruit snacks, cuties, pretzels, quiche and of course, apple juice.  She loves to show her independence and doesn't even want my hand any more while going down stairs. "Mommy, no thank you. I can do it."  Her favorite shows are Team UmiZoomi and the Bubble Guppies and the Planet Earth specials.  She loves anything water related and this goes without saying, LOVES spending time with her family and friends.  Always wants to be on the go!

Rea's dislikes include bedtime (always way too early in her opinion), getting her hair washed in the tub (any tricks for this?)  and carrots (ironic since this was her favorite veggie as a toddler).

Some facts:  She has mastered her colors, can count to 12, knows some basic shapes, loves to play 'match' games and does very well at matching, can recognize easy patterns, can recite my phone number and knows the city/state that she lives in. 

A few recent pics:

Loves her Leap Frog!



Let's have a snack!

All snuggled in!

Library books!

Toddler bump it!

We are deep in the throes of 3rd birthday party plans... here's a sneak peek:

Howdy partner! 

Can someone say pony rides?

We are so thankful that we have peanut in our lives, bringing us new discoveries and grateful blessings every single day.  Happy 2 and a 1/2 baby girl! xoxo

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