Monday, August 6, 2012

And they lived happily ever after...

Congrats Nina and Chris!

On Friday, we traveled north to begin the wedding festivities of my step-sister and her fiancee.  Friday night was the rehearsal dinner and Saturday was the big day!  I was honored to be an Usherette and it was so exciting to watch these two share their vows and see how it all came together after months of planning.

I didn't pull out my phone until the reception so I just have a few pics... enjoy!

And to Nina and Chris- it was a wonderful day! Thank you for letting us share in it! xo

The happy couple:

With G&G K.:

Rea loved her cousin time!

Cupcake tower (handcrafted by my step-dad) that began with my wedding, then was in Erin's wedding and now Nina's...

Cake table:

Strutting her stuff on the dance floor to 'Moves like Jagger'....

Ready to crash...

Great memories!

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