Monday, August 13, 2012


My mom started the tradition of buying each granddaughter their first American Girl doll.  With Rea quickly approaching 3 (insert heart palpitations here)  we thought it would be the perfect time for a girl's trip to the Mall of America to experience the American Girl store.

This trip would entail Rea's first trip to the Mall of America, first time at the American Girl store and first night staying in a hotel!  Not to mention lots of travel time in the car- not something on any toddler's must-do list.

Despite a few bumps in the road, (literally, can you have any more construction Minnesota?!)  we had fun at the Sea Aquarium experience at the mall, picking out her Itty Bitty twins at the American Girl store and swimming in the pool at the hotel!  Rea's favorite part though was being with her gramma and cousins.  Nothing beats family time!

We did manage a little retail therapy at the outlet mall and lots of good eating out ensued... but I think this will be Rea's last road trip for awhile. 

A few pics from the trip:

Getting ready to head out!

At the Sea Aquarium Experience:

Sting rays!

Jelly fish!

A 3 hour car ride plus no nap equals heavy eyes.  Thankfully this was after the Itty Bitty twins were decided on.  As soon as this pic was taken, Armageddon began because someone was very very tired.  If you happened to hear the screams of a toddler tantrum, I apologize now.

At the pool!  Poolside room:

Let's swim!

We survived peanut's first night in a hotel!

Let's drive!

Thanks to Gramma K. for such a fun trip! xoxo

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