Saturday, August 10, 2013

Iowa State Fair 2013

Disclaimer:  We don't typically 'do' the fair. It's hot, crowded and expensive. We have gone in the past but it must have been the lure of mini donuts that clouded my judgment.

This year we had to put on our big girl panties and deal with it because as luck would have it, Rea's dance group was scheduled to dance at the fair.  We left bright and early Friday morning and it only took 30 minutes to park. Not too bad considering we left home when the rooster crowed.

Rea loved being on stage and did great dancing. That was the highlight of the trip.  I'm glad we can keep her in a hobby that she enjoys so much.

After the dancing it was time for the real reason everyone always goes to the fair, the food!  We went after the 4 major fair food groups: fried, fried, fried and a liquid.  This year we enjoyed a corndog, lemonade, cheese curds, root beer and a brat.  I searched frantically for the fried butter on a stick but it escaped me. If a certain food is so popular, why do they make it so hard to find?!

We saw the camels, the mini horses, the masses of people and Rea looked up at us and said, "Can we go home now?"  She had set her sights on a blue blow-up dolphin so daddy obliged and we exited stage left.

All in all, a successful trip!  Until next year...maybe.

See the scooter in the background? So tempting...

Ready for the stage:

Her favorite drink of choice: Lemonade.

Never met a bubble gun she didn't like.

She named him Clifford.

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