Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weekend of Mixed Emotions


Going into this weekend... I knew it would be hard. It would be emotional. A good friend and coworker was gravely ill and fighting for her life. She lost her battle on Saturday, after a brief but severe illness.

The thoughts that keep running through my head: at least she didn't suffer, at least she lived a happy life, at least she knew to eat dessert first. She had a favorite saying, "Just because they make it in your size, doesn't mean you should wear it."  Rest in peace Janna and may God bless her family and friends during this difficult time.

My saving grace:
On Saturday we spent the day at Andy's parent's house celebrating his brother's birthday. It was such a great day to be surrounded by family, telling stories, making each other laugh, watching the cousins play. 

I also put in a long distance phone call to my mama, just to hear her voice and we got an impromptu visit from our besties, Annette and Davy.  There is nothing more special than family and friends. And I hope all of mine know how much they mean to me, to us... Andy, Reagan and I wouldn't be where we are today without them.

Some pics over the weekend:

The SMS (Saturday Morning Snuggle)

Happy birthday Uncle Scotty!

Reagan's favorite activity: face painting. She loves it! And never passes up an opportunity to have her face painted... Uncle Scotty did great! I think he needs to start his own business.

The after:

It's not a trip to G&G W's without breaking out the Deere for a ride...


By Sunday I needed a distraction. Something to keep my mind busy. And with the perfect weather, I decided to pack up Rea and head to my happy place- Adventure Bay.  The best day for it- the pool was empty and the sun was high. So relaxing...

Five more minutes and she would have been asleep in the sun...

Our first time checking out the circus. Rea loved it but she also asked me when she could go up on stage... loves to perform!

Warms my heart- Reagan reading her new Ranger Rick while I fix supper. So sweet. (Note the size of her new 'purse,' aka one of my old bags bigger than her, and yes, it's filled with toddler treasures.)

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Remember to hold your loved ones tight and tell them how much you love them.

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Loss does open your eyes wider to what matters most. I'm glad you have supportive family and friends, too. We almost went to A-bay this weekend, too -- seeing it was empty, that would have been nice : )