Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My 3 days as a single parent

Last week, Andy had to travel out of town for 3 days...which is longer than I'm comfortable with. So I did the one thing I knew how to do- I made plans! Lots of plans...to keep Rea busy, to keep me busy. And a huge kudos to single parents out there who do this every day and with more than one kiddo...

Wed. night:
National Balloon Classic- Last Wed. night was family night at the National Balloon Classic so after swim lessons, Rea and I headed out to the balloon field.

Rea enjoyed face painting, a train ride, games, ice cream and seeing all the balloons, especially Gramma Alyce's balloon (Wicked) to which she thought Gramma Alyce was actually in the balloon and she wanted to ride in it with her. She was a tad disappointed that she couldn't go up high in the sky 'like an astronaut.'

It was only after we had left the balloon field and were sitting in the same spot for 35 minutes while trying to leave that I remembered why I don't do these kinds of things without Andy. He is so good at getting us in and getting us out. The traffic was horrendous. Note to self for next year: leave earlier or don't go at all! :)

Let's swim:

Making progress:

First balloon sighting:

Rainbow tiger:

It costs $700 each time they blow up the eagle. Now I know why balloons aren't my hobby, the cost and afraid of heights- not a good mix!

Thurs. night:

Girls night with our best girls! Hanging at play land, trip to the candy store, a stop at Orange Leaf- Rea's dream night with her favorite people and favorite things. Success! Almost helped with her missing daddy...

Decisions, Decisions...

Filled her candy bag:

Friday night:

Daddy is home and all is right with the world. We enjoyed a nice family night in and I may have told Andy he can't travel for the next...well, awhile. :)

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