Tuesday, July 21, 2009

25 Weeks, 2 days and counting...

Today I am 25 weeks, 2 days and counting... Reagan is the size of an eggplant! Andy and I met with our new Dr. yesterday and everything looked great. We heard the baby's heartbeat (holding steady at 150) and my blood pressure was normal. She didn't mention my weight gain (a candy bar here, an ice cream sundae there...it's all relative, right?) and I of course, didn't bring it up!

She did say swelling in my fingers and toes was normal as long as I made sure to rest my feet at night. No problem there! My new mantra: 'I am one with the La-z-boy.'

My glucose testing is scheduled for next week and I hope I pass with flying colors! Other than that, just the normal aches and pains with carrying a baby- no longer worried about fitting into my 'normal' clothes but now worrying about what to do if I grow out of my maternity clothes! Always an up-hill battle...

25 week belly shot:
Until next week! xo

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