Tuesday, July 28, 2009

26 Weeks, 2 days and counting...

It's crazy to think that in less than a week, I'll be in my 3rd trimester already! Today I am 26 weeks, 2 days and counting... Lil P is measuring the size of a large zucchini!

The bad news: I failed my 1 hour glucose test this morning. I have to admit, I was heartbroken but I know they do these tests for a reason and a lot of women fail the 1 hour. So... next on the agenda is the 3 hour glucose test which I will succumb to next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

The good news: We found daycare! I toured a center today just outside our development and loved it! They are a Quality Star Rating, state-licensed daycare center that is on a smaller scale. They promote Creative Curriculum, which reminded me of the Montessori-type style of learning. And overall, I got a great vibe from the Director, teachers and other parents I talked to while getting the tour. We have secured our spot for the first of the year!

I'm going to try really hard to put down the Pillsbury products and pick up a veggie. I know it's going to go against every pregnant fiber in my being, but I also know it's probably best for Lil P. Andy and I are still walking nightly and I'm still schlepping outside on my breaks at work- hoping every little bit will help.

Here's my 26 week belly shot:

See you next week!

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