Tuesday, October 13, 2009

37 Weeks, 2 Days and counting...

Today I am 37 weeks, 2 days and counting... and uncomfortable, and laden with swollen ankles and numb fingers, and emotional...and ready to meet my baby girl!

Here is this week in a nutshell. Picture me checking out at Target.
Checkout girl: "Oh! So when are you due?"
Me: "Oh a couple more weeks..."
Checkout girl: "Oh my God, you look like you should have delivered weeks ago!"

Um...okay, really? Thaaaaanks... like I didn't know that. Like I didn't realize my maternity pants are too tight, my socks are cutting off the circulation to my ankles and my shirt doesn't cover my ever-growing belly. Yes- I really needed to be reminded of that so thank you check out girl...

Okay- I digress. Monday's Dr. appt. did not warrant the results I was hoping for. We're waiting things out right now and will go back on Monday, where I will beg and plead for some concrete date and time when we'll get to meet Lil P!
Here is my 37 week belly shot:

Until next week! xo

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