Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One year ago today...

One year ago today... February 24, 2009.

*I had been told my company was closing and that I would be losing my job.

*I (we) had been told that 'it just wouldn't happen for us to conceive a child on our own'.

*I had just found out that my upcoming surgery to treat endometriosis wasn't covered by insurance.

I was at my lowest point, reaching my breaking point. And then the nurse called. "Had I started my cycle yet? And if not, I'd have to take a pregnancy test before my surgery."

My first thought, 'Why bother?' I assured the nurse that there was no need, after all- 25 pregnancy tests in the past 20 months had all been negative. Why would this one be any different?

And by the grace of God, it was. So completely different that once I relented and took the test, it took my breath away.

And the rest, we history. Still holding on to my job, have a healthy amazing baby girl and an equally amazing husband supporting me each and every day. February 24th will always remind me of miracles.

1 comment:

Chef Stinson Family said...

I will never forget you picking me up for lunch the next day and giving me that card. Tear up just thinking about it! You have had such an amazing year and I hope this one is just as great!